Friday 24 January 2014

“Evangelization is the proclamation, in word and deed

Community for Proclamation
Bible House
34, National High Way, Krishnagar -741101, Nadia W.B.
Ph. 03472-271630, Mobile: 9434420085, 9735597226; e-mail:
Dear Friends,
 “Evangelization is the proclamation, in word and deed, of the Christ of the Gospel to persons in all circumstances for the sake of the new life of Faith-beginning with Baptism and lived in Communion with the Church”
That the laity be enabled and empowered to use their gifts in collaboration with the ordained ministers in promoting the mission of the Church and in giving witness to their faith in their respective parishes
Hence Prerona offers a yearlong weekly residential Bible course at Bible House. The Course begins on every Sunday evening at 6pm and commence on Saturday noon, the age group of the Participants’ should be 14 to 50yrs old.
Texts that will be used are: 1. My Bible History, 2. My Catholic Faith 3. Jesus is the Way.
Course fee: Rs.200
Participants are to bring:
Bible, pen, note book and other things for personal use.
-Each week only 40 persons can participate.
Kindly take initiative to send your parish children, youth, mothers, fathers etc…announce in your area again and again, encourage them and send participants for the course & get your parishners’ faith deep rooted in Christ.
Prerona Ministry Also Offers Traning Programmes on Evangelization this is to help you to choose the programmes for your Diocese, Congregations, Province & communities. Kindly make use of the courses.  Let us join our hands to build our Lord’s Kingdom. These courses will be conducted in English & in Bengali

       1st  LEVEL COURSES:

1.       Philip &Testimony  : These two courses provide evangelizers with an opportunity to learn how to transmit their own faith experience successfully.


2.       Isaiah & House of prayer

Two courses for teaching evangelizers how to know, love, use and pray the Scriptures. Participants are shown how to relate to the Bible and use it for carrying out a successful, authentic kerygmatic service to the Gospel (evangelization) within domestic setting.



1.Paul Course: This course forms evangelizers and teaches them how to     evangelize effectively and confidently. It demonstrates the basic elements needed to proclaim the kerygma  to the people of today.


2.      Joshua Course.

This course helps participant to acquire a winning mentality by forming positive attitudes which allow them to live a life full of blessings.

3.       Community Course.

              This course offers evangelizers   the basic criteria for learning  how to live  their    

              interpersonal relationships within a Christian community more  effectively.


4.      Animation and Prophecy seminars / courses.

              Two lively seminars/courses which   teach    evangelizers  how to  practice the  charisms 

              of   animation and prophecy in a confident, correct and effective manner.  


              5. Healing and Prosperity

 These two seminars are invaluable for evangelizers who desire to have their evangelization confirmed by signs.(Mk.16:20)

6.Preachers Course: To form effective preachers

           7.  SPECIAL PROGRAMMES: Discipleship Training for Children  &  Youth

          8.Going to Mission – Seminar:  A life sharing experience for  those in Formation


Rev.Fr.Subhash Baroi

            Founder & Director

             Prerona Ministry


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