Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Girl Child Day

Prerona Little Flower celebrated the Girl Child Day on 8 September, 2011, the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Prerona Bible House. 65 girl children participated in the programme. The whole day was a day of joy and a unique celebration.The Little Flower group animated the day's programme.

Girl Child Day began with a welcome address by Fr. Subhash Baroi, the founder of Prerona Ministry. He expressed his joy to see a large turn out of girl children for the event. He said it was his dream to see the girlchild, not only excel in the secular sphere; but also to make a difference in the spiritual realm. He exhorted the Little Flower group to lead the participants in a unique spiritual experience.

This was followed by a Bible procession and enthronement. 

The group presented a prayer dance followed by praise and worship led by two young girls (of Class V and VI,) Keya and Monalisa, of the Little Flower Group.

Ria, the MC, also of the Little Flower group, animated the gathering with a game, followed by action songs, accompanied by music performed by the girls themselves.

Three of the girls also preached the talks (sessions) from the Scriptures. They highlighted the important role of a girlchild in the plan of God. The entire gathering was engrossed by their preaching, which was very inspiring. This was follows by a video show on St. Maria Goretti.

The programme came to a conclusion with a vote of thanks. The impact of this celebration was that most of the girls present enrolled their names to become members of Litter Flower.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Welcome to our new website!

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Seminar on Fruitful Living was conducted on Saturday 30 July...please read the report below.